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Common Names : Indian Almond Leaves, Ketapang Leaves, Catappa Leaves, Tropical Leaves, Sweet Almond Leaves, Wild Almond Leaves, Sea Almond Leaves.
Our Ketapang leaf Catappa Indian almond leaves are naturally fallen. Our Indian almond leaves must be collected from falling leaves only and leaves were collected within 24 hours. Our Indian almond leaf is Premium Grade A+. Each leaf has been put through a hygienic cleaning process after they fall. Good leaves should be Red, Yellow and brown colors only. Indian almond leaves must be without fungus spots because fungus spots can tell us that Indian almond leaves fall for a long time before they collect.
Advantages of Almond Leaf in Aquarium:
Natural Water Conditioner
Natural addition of Trace Minerals
Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Prevents and Cures diseases in Fish
Natural Food Source
Natural Decorative
Natural Hiding Spot and play thing for Fishes
Natural Healing Agent
Induces breeding in Betta Fish
Examples of situations where Indian Almond Leaves are commonly used :
When setting up a new aquarium
When a new fish is introduced to an aquarium
To induce breeding, especially in Bettas
When setting up and maintaining a fry or baby fish aquarium
When a fish is sick, especially if the sickness affects the skin
In the plastic transport bag when a fish is moved to a new home
When keeping delicate fish species that are considered difficult to keep and breed in captivity
Suitable for :
Discus, Bettas, Gouramis, Killifish, Tetras, Angelfish, Dwarf Cichlids, Corydoras, Plecostomus, Rasboras, Shrimps, Hermit Crabs and many more.
Method of use:
In Europe, dried almond leaves have been something of a professional secret among aquarium keepers up until now, though some European breeders have been using them successfully for some time. The fact that banana leaves are not so very well known may also be due to the leaves not being widely available.
Some time ago, the leaves became the subject of discussion among aquarium keepers here at home who were using the leaves of almond bushes growing in Europe. They were successful, but the level of success was low.
Recommend to use 3-4 leaves size 6" or 15 cm.per 50 L of water suits or medium size fish tank.
If your leaf is smaller or bigger, you need to adjust the figures accordingly.
We mainly tear the leaves into small pieces to purify the water faster.
Catappa Leaves (Indian Almond Leaves,Ketapang leaves) is known for Shrimp breeders that has many benefits for Shrimps
Dosages below are based on 18-20 cm (7-8 inch) leaves.
Using 2 leaves per 50 L (13 gallons) of water is recommended but be prepared to adjust the dosage to suit your particular fish.
Some Betta keepers routinely use 2 leaves per 15 L (4 gallons) of water in their everyday tanks.
Betta breeders normally use 1 leaf per 20 L (5 gallons) of water in breeding tanks.
In fry rearing tanks, using 1 leaf per 40 L (10 gallons) of water is recommended.
Leaves will normally float for 2-3 days before sinking. The leaves should be replaced 2-4 weeks or when leaves start to break up. Dosages are a guide only and Aquarists can tailor it based on aesthetics and water coloration. The leaves will cause water to turn a clean amber in color due to tannins which is natural and healthy for fishes.